
"Media" is that which exist in the middle between people ----so we call it after "medium."
And what's between us today? ----Internet.
So, as a brand-new milestone of our 110years history, we started developing our "media technology" on our own.
Our mission is to make the most of web technology to create added value for the media and publishing business that has never existed before.
KODANSHAtech LLC. is a member of the KODANSHA Group, a leading Japanese publishing company.



Gendai Business/FRIDAY digital, VOCE/ViVi... From journalizm, fashion, science, to scandals. Variety of medias we develop.

NextGen. Books

Manga/Novels... We are searching the future form of traditional "books"

And More...

Challenging new businesses like cloudfunding/ad technology and what we haven't seen yet.